Townsend Brown
Thomas Townsend Brown was alleged to of been flying strange metal, saucer-like discs of
his own secret design and make for more than 30 years - some big ones
too, up to 30 inches in diameter.
Mostly, Brown flew his discs in good old common air. The discs were
tethered to a mast or pole and the thin, double-saucer-like things fly a
circle around and around the mast in free flight. Only a slight hum was
audible as they flew. In the dark they glowed with an eerie lavender light,
revealing their motive power which is a kind of electricity.
Many scientists and engineers have watched these discs fly. Under their
breath, and sometimes out loud, most of them have said the force which
makes Brown's discoids spin is one which every highschool physics
student knows about - "Electric Wind" - and not a new principle Brown
has discovered at all.
One engineer said, "The whole thing is so screwball I don't want to
even talk about!" Another said, "The device is only about one-tenth of
one percent efficient."